Computational and Quantitative Biology PhD

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    Molecular and Cellular Biology 2023

    PhD in Computational Quantitative Biology

    Molecular and Cellular Biology


    The central aim of this course is to give you an opportunity to learn about the scientific approach to the characterisation of the underlying biomolecular mechanisms in the cell. In particular, the course aims to provide an integrated understanding of the study of cellular and molecular biology processes and of how biomolecules and cells are integrated into functional systems.


    In the first part, the seminar series aims to introduce the cellular context in which biochemical reactions take place by having a tour through typical cells. By engaging with this course, you will gain foundation knowledge about the organisation of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, including extracellular matrix, cell signalling, the roles of biological membranes in compartmentalisation of cell functions and the cytoskeleton. The structure and functions of eukaryotic organelles including the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. Additional topics include intracellular macromolecular transport and mechanisms of transport of ions, solutes and macromolecules across membranes including the plasma membrane.


    Subsequently the latest methods for studying molecules and cells in vitro and in vivo will be discussed. Recent advances in biophysical methods led to critical new insights into the complex inner workings of cells and the interplay between their macromolecular components. Spurred by technological breakthroughs in light and electron microscopy, tomography, biophysics, structural biology, sequencing technologies, single molecule and ensemble molecule spectroscopies and cellular in situ studies, we can now investigate at unprecedented levels of spatial and temporal resolution the biomolecular and cellular processes at the origin of life.




    Lecture Series Part I. General Introductory Lectures

    Overview of the Course (Alfonso De Simone)

    13th Jan 11:00-12:00

    A glimpse of the cell (Marcella Cesana)

    20th Jan 11:00-13:00

    Protein Sciences (Giuliana Fusco)

    27th Jan 11:00-13:00

    Biological Dogma (Davide Cacchiarelli)

    3rd Feb 11:00-13:00


    Lecture Series Part II. Cellular Biology and Differentiation

    (Lectures by 2nd year students)

    Not “The Cell” but many different cell types (Vincenzo Aievola)

    Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells; Cellular functions (metabolism, catabolism, anabolism); Cellular anatomy. Cellular functions of proteins

    10th Feb 11:00 - 12:00

    The cell in a multicellular environment  (Melania Franchini)

    Signal transduction; cell-cell interactions

    10th Feb 12:00 - 13:00

    From genes to functions  (Valentina Brancato & Antonio De Falco)

    Genes; gene structures; regulation of gene expression

    17th Feb 11:00 - 13:00

    From one cell to many different cell types (Antonella Sarnataro)

    Cell Development & Differentiation

    24th Feb 11:00 - 12:00

    Fine tuning of cellular functions  (Carmen Biancaniello)

    Post-translational regulation; splicing and regulation; small RNAs.

    24th Feb 12:00 - 13:00


    Lecture Series Part III. Methods in Molecular Structural Biology

    Structural Biology (Giuliana Fusco)


    3rd Mar 11:00 - 13:00


    Structural Biology (Giuliana Fusco)

    X-ray crystallography;

    10th Mar 11:00 - 13:00


    Structural Biology (Giuliana Fusco)


    17th Mar 11:00 - 13:00


    Single Cell (Davide Cacchiarelli)

    24th Mar TBD


    MD simulations (Alfonso De Simone)

    Methods and applications

    31st Mar 11:00 - 13:00


    Bioinformatics: prediction of protein structure (Alfonso De Simone)

    7th Apr 11:00 - 13:00


    Protein-Ligand Interactions (Alfonso De Simone)

    Experimental methods and theory

    14th Apr 11:00 - 13:00


    Computational Drug Discovery (Alfonso De Simone)

    21th Apr 202 11:00 - 13:00



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