Welcome to the home page of the Ph.D. program in Computational and Quantitative Biology of the University of Naples "Federico II".
Program Chair: Prof. Diego di Bernardo
For all current students of all cycles, presentations for the passage to the next year will be organized in the second week of October the target date is the 9/10/2024. All of the students MUST ATTEND otherwise THEY WILL NOT PASS TO NEXT YEAR.
- Students enrolled in the cycle 37 will need to prepare a presentation of 10 minutes (max 10 Slides)
- Students enrolled in the cycle 38 will need to prepare a presentation of 5 minutes (max 5 Slides)
- Students of the cycle 39 will present a poster.
TO AVOID TECHNICAL ISSUES AND DELAY YOU WILL NEED TO SEND YOUR PRESENTATIONS TO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. BY OCTOBER THE 7TH 2024.
September 10
For students that have applied to the 40th Cycle. Starting on September 13th, on the official University website (Bandi di ammissione dottorati di ricerca | Università Federico II (unina.it)), new rankings will be published as some of the elegible candidates did not enroll, therefore students that are ranked lower will become elegible so please if you are ranked lower keep checking the website as you will have only a few days to accept the fellowship.