Computational and Quantitative Biology PhD

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    Francesco Sannino - The pandemic playbook, a physicist take

     Registration Closed
    Date: Friday, 21st May 2021 15:00

    Venue: Webex


    The COVID-19 pandemic is raging across the world with an immense toll in terms of human lives and devastating economic impact. I will show how to use powerful theoretical physics methods stemming from the description of fundamental phenomena such as Higgs physics with applications even to string theory to unveil the pandemic dynamics and timing.

    The temporal playbook of the pandemic can be used by governments, financial markets, the industries and individual citizens, to efficiently time, prepare and implement local and global measures. I will also show that by marrying big data, genetics and theoretical  there are possibilities for giant leaps forward in our understanding of infectious diseases


    Brief CV

    Francesco Sannino is Professor in Theoretical Physics at the Department of Physics at Federico II University, he is also chair of theoretical physics at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, while holding a dual position as Founder and Director of the Centre for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology (CP³-Origins) as well as Founders and chair in theoretical physics of the Danish Institute for Advanced Study at the University of Southern Denmark.


    Professor Francesco Sannino has held scientific associate and visiting positions at CERN and Stanford University. He has been associate professor at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. He has also held postdoctoral positions at NORDITA in Copenhagen and Yale University. He has also been young fellow of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nuclear (INFN).


    Professor Francesco Sannino is widely recognised for having pioneered the analytical and numerical investigations of the conformal structure of gauge theories of fundamental interactions, for the construction of minimal composite extensions of the standard model, and the recent discovery of four-dimensional asymptotically safe theories. Recently he has developed the epidemiological Renormalization Group approach that efficiently captures the underlying symmetries related to pandemic spread and impact.


    He has been recognised with numerous awards and prestigious research grants, including the Excellence Team Leader Grant of the European Commission, the Elite Researcher Prize of the Danish Ministry of Science and the Danish National Research Foundation Centre’s of excellence grant. Professor Sannino is an elected  member of the Royal Danish Academy and Finish Academy of Science and Letters. Since 2014 he has been on an ERC panel for Consolidator Grants for Fundamental Constituents of Matter that includes High Energy Physics, Quantum Information, Cold Atoms, Laser, Plasma and Nuclear Physics. He has also served as associate editor for different journals.


    At the age of 27, professor Francesco Sannino earned two PhDs in physics, one from Syracuse University in the United States, and the other from the University Federico II in Naples Italy where he also previously earned the Laurea degree. His work crosses several realms of theoretical physics from string theory to particle physics and cosmology as well as complex systems for infectious disease dynamics. He loves physics and constantly seeks beauty and elegance in nature.



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    All Dates

    • Friday, 21st May 2021 15:00

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