Computational and Quantitative Biology PhD

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    Valentina is a Biomedical Engineer graduated at Federico II, University of Naples. In January 2018, after 5 months as a trainee at IRCCS "Fondazione G.Pascale", she completed her Master thesis project on the analysis of perfusion and diffusion Magnetic Resonance images to assess preoperative radiotherapy response in locally advanced rectal cancer.

    She currently works at the IRCCS SDN as medical imaging researcher and deals with medical image processing and analysis. Her main research areas are oncologic imaging, functional MRI, and she is recently approaching innovative medical imaging techniques such as radiomics.

    She started the Computational and Quantitative Biology PhD at Federico II, University of Naples, in order to improve her knowledge and skills in the field of statistics and algorithms for big data management, and to integrate her acquired experience in oncology research through imaging with a deeper knowledge of the underlying molecular biologic basis of diseases.

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