Computational and Quantitative Biology PhD

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    Carmen is a biologist and she obtained her Bachelor and Master's degree at University of Salerno. She realized the Master thesis project in the bioinformatics and computational biology group of Institute of Food Sciences - C.N.R. During this period, she acquired knowledge and skills in structural biology using different approaches for protein modelling, molecular docking simulations and structure-based drug discovery processes.
    After the master’s degree, she won a research fellowship of one year at University of Salerno working on the application of bioinformatics strategies to understand the molecular basis of human rare diseases. In this work she evaluated the impact of missense mutations on proteins structure and function using an in silico approach.
    Currently she is a PhD student in Computation and Quantitative biology at Federico II, University of Naples, in order to improve her knowledge about bioinformatics and computational methods for structural biology.

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